
There are a number of resources on this site which offer information about the Towy Usk pylon project. These include an interactive map detailing not only the pylon route, but the location of the windfarms which are being proposed for the area and a Documents and Links page with links to a diverse range of information such as an explanation of the Developments of National Significance process, the ATP cable ploughing statement and a climate change and renewable energy policy statement from the Cambrian Mountains Society

New resources and literature are being produced on an almost daily basis in response to what is happening here, and in other parts of the UK, in respect of the dozens of proposals for pylon routes, turbines, solar parks, battery storage facilities and substations which will have significant and long lasting effects on the landscape and those who live in it. There are many different perspectives and points of view. The sites below are just a handful of what is available:

The group was formed in response to the dramatic changes facing Carmarthenshire and the huge threat to its landscapes and tourism sector (and also health services).

They are campaigning to reinstate the special landscape areas to protect our beautiful countryside from industrial development which will blight our county and our homes. CRAiG Sir Gar group are petitioning for the Towy Valley recognised as an AONB.

They are currently running a petition asking that Carmarthenshire County Council instruct its pension fund trustees to withdraw all funding from Bute Energy.

Since 1928, CPRW has been advocating on behalf of rural Wales.

They are committed and passionate about safeguarding the countryside for the benefit of communities, biodiversity, rivers, landscapes, the Welsh language and culture and visitors.

As part of its communities agenda, CAW, highlight the wider damage that the pylon infrastructure will cause . They have launched a survey so individuals can have a say on the future of the electricity grid in Wales. This will close later in November to allow for the information to be fed back to the IAG

The independent advisory group on future electricity grid for Wales, is formed to take forward the essential work to build an understanding of the possible approaches to delivering electricity grid infrastructure.

Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru’s states that its mission is to unlock the renewable energy potential of Wales, and ‘deliver benefits to our society, our environment and our economy, for everyone living and working in Wales today and for future generations. We will do this through delivery excellence, responsible leadership and proactive collaboration’.

Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru is fully owned by the Welsh Government

The Other Voices page lists the campaign groups across the UK who are in the process of fighting against the blight of industrialisation as a result of pylon and windfarm projects.

The Who’s Who page gives contact information for those people you may want to write to/email to express your views.

Our Alternatives page offers some other ways to approach energy supply, in preference to industrialisation of the landscape.